Thursday, 19 April 2007

Poached Egg and Optimism

I woke up this morning and felt optimistic!! Last night I cried - not loads and loads but enough so the tears flowed and my nose ran a little bit. I then dreamt about myself in a positive way (not exactly sure what the dream was - but I vaguely remember it was a happy one). Anyway I knew that today I'd be able to eat intuitively. Firstly I had a bowl of oat cereal, which I sat down and ate slowly - it was delicious!! Then (now this is the piste de resistance) I had poached egg on toast for my lunch - it was AMAZING!! I never seem to be able to cook a poached egg properly so I looked up tips on the Internet and it was - perfect!! I sat down, ate it slowly and enjoyed it more than any egg I have eaten before!! I feel great right now!!

Why is it that some days, things just seem to flow, eating intuitively seems easy and I feel optimistic?? Nothing has changed since yesterday, I look the same, my essay is still due in today although I haven't written a word of it and I'm still living in a building site - but hey, I FEEL FABULOUS!!

Today I appreciate myself for eating intuitively

Tomorrow I will make time to Move


Liquorice Torpedoes said...

I'm glad you're feeling happier.

Good luck with the essay. Can you maybe go to the library and do it there where there are fewer distractions? I found this helped me at uni - I studied English.

Also, remember the hardest bit is starting it. When I taught English I used to say to students just start writing something. You can always go back and edit it.

I also found it easier to write by hand and then type it up. I'm not sure why, just that my brain flows more on paper.

Alice said...

It's fab to hear you're feeling better.

I've never had a poached egg...


Stephbospoon said...

Mmmmm you've just inspired me to eata boiled egg for my lunch. Inavlid food (I've gota cold and I'm feeling pathetic).
It was great to catch up on your blog, for some reason I couldn't get onto it over the past few days.I'm sorry you're feeling so low, but the more I try at IE the more I conclude that these sh1tty feelings must be part of the process- as soon as we start numbing negative feelings about our body etc with food, they bubble up to the surface and bite us on the arse!
By the way, I think I've seen your picture on Peaches and Cream, and you are a very beautiful girl; there is no need to get so down on yourself!
Aunty B has spoken XXX

hello : ) said...

im so glad to hear you are feeling good, here's hoping that the good days become more frequent as time goes on xxxx

Anonymous said...

I am feeling the same way at the moment. some days area success and others are hard work

i think you should congratulate yourself for every good IE day as they will become more and more common as time goes by